Thursday, December 16, 2010

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Dan's family has a tradition that they go and cut a tree down every year. Since we live so close we went up to help the Engel's cut their tree down. Growing up we had an artificial tree, and as newly weds when money is tight an artificial tree is more economical right, so needless to say it was my first time cutting down a tree. We has a blast. I wish there would have been snow on the ground to make the trek more fun :) but there wasn't. They had a "petting zoo" and Bentlee sure enjoyed it.


Danette said...

Nice expression, Dan! Miss you guys!!!!

Judd Sarah and Jackson said...

how fun! we had a real tree the first year we were married, we got it from the was pretty charlie brown, but yeah fake trees are the way to go money wise...Your belly looks SO cute in your 25 weeks picture! good job! keep up the good work!

Tiffanie said...

You look beautiful with your little baby bump and please tell Dan I love his face on your little ride:)