Sunday, February 13, 2011


I don't have much to write today so I thought I would write what I am love this week.

1. Dan's job-- as many know it took him a little over a year to find a job and it was for the best. It is the perfect job for him and we are so grateful to have it now.
2. Ellicott City Ward- We moved into this ward about 3 months ago and it has been great. I have made lots of new friends. It makes for an easier transition.
3. CTR 4 Class- I was called about a month ago to teach Primary in church and have enjoyed it so far. It has been a struggle to have them sit still and focus for even five minutes but they sure teach me and are very intelligent.
4. Scriptures- along with my blogging goal, I made a goal to be more diligent in my scripture study and create a journal for my studies. Even in a few days I feel closer to my Heavenly Father
5. Our baby boy- As the time draws closer to seeing our little one I get more and more excited and more and more nervous. I am grateful to be a mom
6. Dan- He works so hard to support our little family and does such a good job at it. He is also my best friend and I am glad I have the rest of eternity to spend with him.
7. "The Hunger Games" Trilogy- I am only on the second book but I love them. If you need a good book pick them up.
8. My bed- I have been getting a little more uncomfortable the last few weeks but I love that I have a bed that I can sleep on.


Steph's Joys said...

Allers I can't believe your little guy is almost here that will be so much fun. I have been thinking of you lately and I definately miss you a ton. I have got to do better on staying in contact but will you send me your address to my email that would be awesome. Thanks!

Unknown said...

yay for gratitude! glad you have so much to be thankful for!