Friday, May 13, 2011

Birth Story

This is more for me since this is part of my journaling and I type faster than I write so it is easier to do it this way so please feel free to skip this.... Seriously I can't believe that Connor is 6 weeks old already. Time flies when you are having fun :)

So Sunday night (March 27th) Dan and I were hanging out and kept having these pains. They were more painful than I had before but I thought "Oh they are Braxton Hicks, no big deal".  When I woke up on Monday morning (March 28th) I was completely fine. I went about cleaning the house and getting things ready for Connor to come since his due date was later that week. As the day went on I started having a few more, what I thought were Braxton Hicks, but later realized they really were contractions . They still weren't close together so I wasn't concerned but knew I would be having the baby that week.I was trying to get a blanket sewn before Connor came for his nephew that will be coming in a few weeks (still is not done :) )

So Dan came home and we ate dinner and went about our night. I called my sister to ask what contractions really felt like. She said "Oh you will know, you will probably have to stop what you are doing and breathe until it passes" I had maybe had one like that (Looking back I kinda feel foolish for not knowing but I justify it because I had never been in labor before :)) About 9:30pm Dan and I decide to go to bed (after I called my sister a second time to make sure I wasn't in labor... haha) I laid down and right as I was relaxed and about to fall asleep a contraction came.... After that I couldn't sleep. I tried about 3-5 more times until I decided it was not worth it. About 2am (March 29th) I woke Dan up and told him I couldn't sleep. So he got up with me and we watched an episode of Prison Break. At that time contractions were about 5 minutes apart and lasting about 1 minute or so. So, I called the doctor and they told me to come in.

I was admitted and went to triage. The nurse asked me my pain level and I told her about a 6-7 and she said "I don't believe you cause you are laughing and making jokes". Then she checked me and I was 5 cm dilated and almost 100% effaced. Then she said "Oh maybe you are at a 6-7".

They moved me to the L &D room. My contractions were getting worse so I asked for the epidural. Which I was sooo glad to have. Dan said that before the epidural came I would squeeze his arm so hard he thought it was going to break :) I finally was able to sleep for a bit and at 10 am my water broke. The doc decided to let me labor down until 1 pm when I finally started pushing. My first nurse was VERY passive and didn't really help me push at all. It was totally up to Dan (holding one of my legs) and me (holding the other leg) to get Connor out of me. Looking hindsight..... It makes me mad. I pushed for 2 hours with that nurse and he barely moved. Then my second nurse came in about 3:30pm. She was AWESOME.... She helped me hold my legs while I concentrated on pushing and Connor came at 4:08pm weighing 8lbs 3 oz. He had a really bad cone head because of how long he was in the birth canal. (sorry I am not posting those pics) 

When I heard Connor cry for the first time I started crying. I couldn't believe he was here and that he was mine. I love that kid to death. He has brought us so much happiness already. He is so sweet and I love seeing him smile.


derek and michelle said...

Beautiful story. I love you guys! Cant wait to meet him, hopefully it will be before he is 2 years old! haha

Tiffanie said...

I love this story :) And when Porter came out...all I could to was cry!

Jill said...

Aww...this makes me happy. Except for that dang nurse. I can't believe you had to hold your own leg! And two hours of pushing! You must have been exhausted. He is so adorable, though. You did amazing.

Michael and Staci said...

You'll be so glad you wrote it down...because you have to forget some of the pain to want to have more kids! :-) ha ha I can't believe how big he was getting today at church. SO CUTE!!!

Judd Sarah and Jackson said...

Awsome, I love labor and delivery stories! and you had a good one. I laughed out loud when Dan said you were going to break his arm off during your contractions b/c that is the only thing Judd remembers about Jackson being born, my contractions were so bad! hehe I love it! sometimes I wish I could have a contraction to blame for wanting to break Judd's arm off...did I say that out loud?