Sunday, May 22, 2011

Connor's Special Day

Both families

First time Dan and Dave have been together in over a year and both are now dads
Connor was blessed today at church. He was lucky to have so much family come and support him on his special day. Connor is such a sweet little boy and Dan and I sure are lucky parents to have him. We love you Connor.


Dae26 said...

Oh he is so cute! I'm so glad that we could be there for his special day! :) Thanks so much for letting us be a part of it!

Shaylin said...

That was actually me - not Dave!

Michael and Staci said...

We are so glad so many family members could come!!! I love Connor asleep in your family picture. He looks exhausted from all the attention. So cute!

derek and michelle said...

So happy for you guys. I love your dress!! Cant wait to hear about his day!

Unknown said...

i want to see the rest of the photos! ha ha ha! such a great kid! so glad to have been there!

Steph's Joys said...

Allers you look so pretty in these pics. And connor looks so cute! What a special day looks like you had a great day!

Jill said...

Such a special day. I'm glad you guys could have your families there. It was a beautiful blessing.

Tiffanie said...

I love these pictures! Your baby is adorable and you look beautiful :) It makes me happy to see all of the Engels

Rachel said...

Awesome that so much family was able to be there for it! I know you are probably such a wonderful mother, and I don't know Dan, but since he's married to you, I can only imagine what an incredible father he must be. Miss you!