Monday, August 3, 2009


I wanted to write about some of the miracles that I have seen in my life the last few weeks.

I have never been very good at keeping a journal. I will make the goal to write in it everyday and that will last about a week. But a few weeks ago as I was sitting in church the speaker spoke about her experience in keeping a journal and it made me want to be better at it. She told us that one of her journals was specifically how she had seen the hand of the Lord in her life that day. (President Henry B. Eyring spoke on this topic in Oct General Conference)

I decided that I REALLY needed to be better about keeping a small journal about the how I had seen the hand of the Lord in my life. It has only been a week but I have loved being able to review my day and find how the Lord has blessed me that day. My attitude has changed (for the better) and I feel happier. It makes me look at the positive instead of the negative and I feel like that is really a miracle.

Another miracle that I have been blessed with it the power of forgiveness, whether it be that I need to forgive someone or that I need to be forgiven. I was called to be a Relief Society teacher in my ward and in July taught on the Power of Forgiveness
I have seen that power in my life and it is because of the Atonement of my Savior. I am so grateful to have the knowledge about Jesus Christ that I do.

The miracle of love! Love can change anything.

1 comment:

derek and michelle said...

Thanks for sharing, you always make me think.