Saturday, November 21, 2009


What do you get when you are in the car all by yourself and the radio is on full blast?.... You get me singing at the top of my lungs to the songs that are on the radio.

I did a little Christmas shopping tonight for Dan. I went to IF and was all by myself so to keep myself sane I turned the radio up pretty high (I got this trait from my dad) and sang at the top of my lungs. I had a blast. I love the Holidays!!!


Melissa said...

I agree. Sometimes when I'm alone in my car with the radio going I will sing to myself too, so you aren't the only one. Hope things are going good for you guys. Have a great weekend and break, it's almost here. Yeah!!

derek and michelle said...

aw i wish i was there to go with you! I totally would have been all for singing at the top of my lungs.

TwinkleBee said...

Scary! Jk. Miss those good ol days- "fizzy fuzzy big and buzzy"

Gena said...

haha.. I love trips like that when you're all by yourself sometimes! Hope you found some good deals! I'm so excited for Christmas. Our apartment is total chaos now because I brought out the decorations, and I just don't know what to do with everything!