Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I wanna be....

Dan and I were taking Connor to the park this weekend and there was a lady running around the park loop. I said "Dan, you see that lady right there? The black shorts and green and blue tank top? I see her every single time I come running or when I am at the park. I doesn't matter if it is in the morning, afternoon or evening. She is out here." After a short pause proceeded to say "I want to be that kind of runner. Dedicated. Rain or Shine, Morning or night"

There was about a two week span that I wasn't running, just because I didn't want to. Yes, lazy. I know. Since getting my stroller (which I have to admit was worth EVERY. SINGLE. PENNY) I have no excuse and I have been running everyday. But to me I am still not that runner, the one that is out every day running more than 2 or 3 miles. My goal..... To become that runner. Dedicated, rain or shine, morning or night, tired or not.

My dad is that kind of runner. To give you a glimpse of what I mean.... The week before I got married he was in Rexburg (where I was living and getting married). It snowed a LOT that year. I am talking 2-3 feet (If you have lived in Rexburg you know what I am talking about)  The week before I got married it snowed more than any other time that winter.  There was probably about a foot of snow on the ground and my dad went running in it (yes you read that right) When he got back he said "That was the best run ever, Ran 6 miles and helped about 2 people push their cars out" Umm hello to me that is crazy dedicated. That day he had to drive me out to work too.

Anyway, that is the kind of runner I want to be. Dedicated. People can think I am crazy and that is completely fine. And I will keep this quote in mind the whole time I am doing it..... "OBSESSED is the word lazy use to describe DEDICATED" (No I am not calling you lazy if you don't run... Running is my stress relief)


Natalie Moon said...

Allison, its funny that you think that because I seriously think of you every time I go running. I am doing a half marathon in may and I literally have told myself multiple times..."Allison survived so you can too." Ha. To me, you ARE that dedicated runner that you were talking about. Thanks for being my example!

Shaylin said...

I think you are the kind of runner! :) And I think you are an OBSESSED mommy! (By that I mean - very dedicated and the best there is!)

A. Mae said...

Wayyy to go Allison!! Good for you! I wish I was more like YOU! I can be a very unmotivated runner and wish I was better! Reading your post made me think of those walks we would take around Porter Park and talk about our dating drama. HA and it made me smile :) Hope you guys are doing great! I love reading your blog and seeing what you three are up to :)

Courtney Morris said...

I want to be like you when i grow up!!

Unknown said...

yay! you got your stroller! give is some time to sink in. habits take a while to form, but i have no doubt that you will become that lady with the stroller who is at the park morning, mid-day and night.

derek and michelle said...

You are that runner!!!! I love you!