Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

We did a litte pumpkin carving earlier this week!!! Connor really didn't like touching the guts but loves his "bump". He loves kissing it for whatever reason.  Lol.

He did a little trick or treating. And it was quite funny because he knew what to do...... Pick the candy, say "shay shew", and walk away looking for more. Look on FB for pictures of my little Batman. :)


Jenn said...

Oh he is such a cutie!!

derek and michelle said...

Soooo cute! Wish we carved pumpkins with you guys.

Jill said...

So cute! I love that he was involved with the pumpkin carving. Evee thought the guts were nasty,too.

Michael and Staci said...

Love the pumpkin carving! Connor looks like he enjoyed himself. I love Halloween!

Unknown said...

that pumpkin looks like him! ha!