Thursday, February 10, 2011

Amazon Mom

For as much shopping as I do on Amazon I guess I could be considered an Amazon Mom :) But they have this program that you can sign up for and save up to 30% on baby items if you are a member. When you subscribe you have the option of having items (i.e. wipes, diapers) sent directly to your house as often as you need them (once a month, twice a month etc) And they are usually at a pretty good price. The best thing is you can cancel/change your subscription ANYTIME. (Go HERE to read more) I think it is a genius idea.

Anyway- I found/got 3 $10 off coupons for Amazon's baby store.  So in the past two weeks I bought 1 box of 264 diapers for $7.77. (originally it would have been $17.77 but with my subscription and coupon I spent $7.77) and 1 box of  720 wipes for $1.51 (again would have been $11.51 but with the coupon I got it for $1.51) You can't find deals like that anywhere else that I have found. (If you have please let me know) It is deals like this that make me happy and make me coupon even more.


Sarah and Terry said...

Where in the world did you find those coupons???? Sign me up!!! I can't believe how many wipes we use and how fast the diapers go!

Gena said...

I LOVE AMAZON MOM! Sometimes I get those coupons in my Parents magazines. It's amazing how cheap you can get things for. I just bought like 360 diapers for only like $36, that's like .10 cents each!! I get so excited about good diaper prices! Where are you finding your coupons? If it's places other than magazines, please, do share!